Passware Kit Mobile

Forensic tool that extracts and decrypts user data from mobile devices.

Passware Kit Mobile

Buy Passware Kit Mobile

Passware Kit Mobile price is $2,490 for an annual license with up to 300 successful extractions and 2 Agents for distributed passcode recovery.

The license price will be increased when support for a broader range of devices is implemented.

There is a price lock for Passware Kit Mobile customers: no price increases for the first two years, and no more than a 5% annual price increase after that, provided that an annual license is maintained.

Passware Kit Mobile is available for law enforcement and other types of government organizations and private companies with justifiable business needs, such as forensic firms or corporate investigation teams. We do not sell to individuals.

Passware Kit Mobile
Annual License


Best Value

  • Valid for
    1 Year
  • Successful extractions
    Up to 300
  • Distributed password recovery
    2 Agents
  • Price Lock. No price increases for the first two years, and no more than a 5% annual price increase after that, provided that an annual license is maintained.
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Passware Kit Mobile
Annual Trial License


  • Valid for
    1 Year
  • Successful extractions
    Up to 5
  • Distributed password recovery
  • Can be upgraded to Passware Kit Mobile Annual License within 90 days after purchase.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Passware Kit Mobile is available for law enforcement and other types of government organizations and private companies with justifiable business needs, such as forensic firms or corporate investigation teams. We do not sell to individuals. All orders are subject to manual verification.

Passware Kit Mobile is licensed per user. Each user may install and use the software product on up to 5 computers simultaneously.

Passware provides a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee when Passware Kit Mobile does not function as advertised on the condition that no successful extractions have been made. Passware stands by its products and provides its customers with the most reliable and up-to-date password recovery solutions and excellent customer support service.

Yes. Passware Kit Mobile Trial and Annual Licenses expire one year after purchase, regardless of the number of successful extractions performed during this time. The remaining extractions are not carried over to the next-year license.

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